Sunday, September 19, 2010

Nigeria At The Brink of A BREAK...

The nation of Nigeria is at the brink of a BREAK... Whether or not THROUGH will follow that to make it a BREAKTHROUGH depends on each of us. It is our call if Nigeria stands or falls. We each in our own way raises or lowers the stakes of our national development. The road to national greatness is paved not by the wishful thinking of a docile people, but by the genuine efforts of individuals, no matter how seemingly insignificant those efforts may be. There has never been a better time for men and women of goodwill to stand up to be counted. As it is against the laws of nature for things to move by themselves, we need to initiate actions for change, beginning with each of us changing our attitudes and our lives. And let no one hide behind the excuse of insignificance. No one is more significant to bring about change than the citizen you saw the last time you looked in the mirror. And no effort is too small - a small movement is better than no movement.

There is a forest in every tree and a tree in every seed. Each of us is a seed waiting to be sown into the soil of our nation's future. There is a great country in the concerted action of every citizen of this country, if only we know.

Monday, September 6, 2010

I Rest My Case

You ask me if I will give up my dream.
My answer is, "Oh, No!"
You ask me why I am determined to see the dream through despite all the challenges I have faced and am facing.
My response: "I can only give up what I have."
"But the dream is yours?"
"That's what I am trying to say. My dream has taken a life of its own. It's out there running. The forces of faith and patience I released are at work - on my behalf. My dream is getting Heaven's attention. I am just keeping the base secure."
"So, for how long will you endure this pain, this...?
"Physical time is of no essence when God is at work. He comes through at the right time."
"I love your faith but I detest your struggle."
"Don't call it 'struggle', call it 'REST'. Rest of faith is not a struggle."
"Then, I rest my case."

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Journey Into My Dream

I rise with great enthusiasm, ready to take on the world. My faith is strong in God - the dream giver, and in me - the dreamer. Nothing, no one can stop me. I am about to re-write history, to birth a new reality, to create a new world.

Not long after, I become more conscious of the existing reality - hostile and resistant to change. For the next many days, I shuttle between this reality I seek to birth and the reality I seek to replace. Eventually, I find comfort in the existing world than the world of fantasy that exists only in my imagination. I settle down to the familiar. And there goes my dream.

But in the darkness of my heart, I hear a voice urging me on. Then help comes from people I never expect. I rise again. My dream lives on.

But before I could roll out the drums, my enthusiasm hits the rocks. Looks like it is impossible to change things. May be things are to be left the way they are. May be I am not cut out for the change I seek. Doubts assail, hope vanishes; despair reigns. Shattered dream. Wasted effort.  It is over.

No, not yet. For there comes another lifting. This must be God resurrecting the dead. I run full throttle, shaking off ever doubt, reaching out to encouragers, and working long and hard. There appears on the horizon my new world. What a joy! Now, I can relax.

May be, not yet. I need to create another world. And yet another world. I must dream again and again. What will my life be without dreams?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Life Is A Boomerang

Life is unfair; it gives more thorns than roses, more tears than laughter, more failures than successes. Life is really unfair - it dashes hopes, shatters dreams and frustrates endeavours. But life is fair in this and in this only: it handsomely rewards those who enthusiastically love it - thorns, tears, failures and all. I have yet to meet a successful person who does not love life.  


Life has two faces - the beautiful and the ugly. Happily, life is a responder and not an initiator. It watches your countenance, searches your attitude and then responds with a corresponding face - ugly for ugly, beautiful for beautiful. In essence, you choose your own life. God has given you such an incredible power to be the initiator of the life you live and not a responder to the events of history.


Life is a boomerang. It throws back at you what you throw at it.