Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Falling Foward

No one likes the experience of falling. The looks on the face of a fallen man speak volumes. He is totally disoriented and embarrassed. Because a fall cuts him off guard and exposes him to shame. It is unsettling, to say the least.

But fall, we must. And more depressingly, should. With the right perspectives, a fall is an opportunity to take a time out to reassess our priorities and strategies. It is an uncomfortable stop to regain strength for the long and wearied journey ahead. It is a life's classroom where we unlearn, learn and relearn. So, a fall is not bad in itself. It's the label we give it that determines the good or the ill that a fall brings on the table.

I have learned to smile as I fall, believing that only the best can come out of it. And I am not so much in a hurry to get up. I will stay on the ground for as long as it is necessary. So that by the time I rise from the fall, I am really standing strong, ready for the adventure of life, which may yet include another fall.

I am not afraid of a fall; for I have learned the secret of falling forward. Doesn't the Bible say, "All things work together for good for them that love Him..."?

1 comment:

  1. Don't think of not falling. To fall is human. Falling is an essential part of our growth and development. Our concern should be how we fall.
