Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Will You Please Smile?

You won't or you can't? No. Don't say you can't help it. Of course, you can. It's your call. It's within your power to decide whether to smile or frown. You may have handed that power to the prevailing circumstance. And that's also within your power to do.

Life is tough. And only the tough survive it. One of the toughest things in the world is to smile at a situation that seeks to pull you down or already has your back on the floor. A reason why such smiles are rare is because they come from the inside. The heart sings a song and the face echoes it in a smile. The heart says, "Is that all of you've got? Bring it on. I am winning this through Christ that strengthens me." And the face resonates this hope with a smile. The heart accepts the challenge as a way of life and as an invitation to growth and advancement, so it says, "You are here again. Welcome. By the time you were gone, I would be better and stronger." And this revelation light lightens up your face.

Is your inside well informed to engage the outer challenge? Therein lies your secret weapon. Therein lies your smile. The face is just the receiver and not the generator of smiles.

Will you please smile?

1 comment:

  1. It was Mamman Vasta that said, "I leave you with a smile, for smile surprises people."
